Reading mountains: mountain literature discussion panel

Many alpinists are passionate readers who like to write about their adventures in the mountains. Countless world-class alpinists have written autobiographies; in Slovenia, however, expedition accounts have traditionally been the prevalent form of mountaineering literature. Alpinists have been known to spend a lot of their free time on expeditions reading all sorts of books, including classics. One of the most successful Slovenian expeditions was the Karakoram 86 trip, where twelve alpinists reached the summit of Broad Peak; it was a literary hit as well, seeing as most of the team members went on to write at least one book in the coming years. Irena Cerar and Mojca Volkar Trobevšek will talk to some of them (Bogdan Biščak, Dušan Jelinčič, Silvo Karo, Matevž Lenarčič, Marija and Andrej Štremfelj) about the significance of reading and writing as a source of inspiration and a reflection of their climbs.